Moneyball Review

Billy Beane is a man of his word. He fights fiercely for his ideals but never gets too cocky and always keeps his vision in sight. Where Moneyball thrives is in exploring the man’s persona, and the many choices that drove his team to success. I’d be lying if I told you Moneyball isn’t about baseball. But it’s also about the fight against a flawed system and the gambles that life requires. It’s about victory, defeat, and everything in between. To put it simply, Moneyball could be perceived as your typical melodramatic sports drama, but in reality it’s anything but this. At the end of the day this is a uniquely incredible cinematic experience. The film centers on Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane. After a disappointing end to a strong 2001 season, the team loses its key components in the form of three all-star players. Beane comes across fledgling industry analyst Peter Brand and his unorthodox theories regarding the proper way to build a winning team. Seeing potential in B...