Men in Black 3 Review

The past breathes new life into J and K. Full review by Isaac Handelman Men in Black 3 is not your average three-quel. It takes the troubled franchise in brand new bold directions that many wouldn’t have dreamed to ever see included in the Men in Black brand. While this doesn’t necessarily make MIB 3 the series’ finest (and it’s definitely not a complete return to the pristine form of the original), it is a rock solid, wholly enjoyable romp that anyone with the slightest bit of affection for Men in Black will wholeheartedly embrace. As I’ve already touched on, MIB 3 doesn’t play it nearly as safe as would be expected. It tries hard to bring its aging brand to new places, and it mostly succeeds. The narrative follows the pursuits of Agent J (Will Smith, in his first film since 2008’s Seven Pounds ) as he travels back to 1969 in an attempt to reverse the effects of an otherworldly serial killer traveling back to seek vengeance on Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones). Once in th...