The Odd Life of Timothy Green Review

A heartfelt fantastical family dramedy, and one of 2012's biggest surprises thus far Full spoiler-free review by Isaac Handelman Going in to The Odd Life of Timothy Green , I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Family dramedies, especially from Disney, have a tendency to be oftentimes unbearably corny and derived from a cookie-cutter formula. That’s why it comes as a minor shock to me to report that Timothy Green is absolutely worth your time and money. It’s packed with ingenuity, strong performances, laughs and genuine emotion, and it’s a better film than many of 2012’s tentpole blockbusters. Centering on small-town couple Cindy (Jennifer Garner) and Jim Green (Joel Edgerton), the film tells a modern fairytale of sorts. I’ll shy away from specifics as to avoid spoilers, so I’ll just say that the couple happens upon a mysterious boy named Timothy (CJ Adams) -- or rather he happens upon them. They lovingly take him in as the child they’ve always wanted but could n...