Warm Bodies Review

Getting warmer and warmer Full, spoiler-free review by Isaac Handelman Warm Bodies really doesn’t make much sense. I mean, just take a look at the premise; a zombie falls in love with a human girl and proceeds to slowly come back to life. Not only is the setup implausible (even by zombie lore standards), but it sounds outrageous to the point of becoming just plain silly. Well, much of the time, Warm Bodies is just that: silly. What’s surprising, however, is how sweet the film manages to become by its conclusion, and the lengths to which it manages to endear its characters -- living and dead alike. In the post-zombie-apocalyptic world of Warm Bodies , the undead (dubbed “corpses”) still retain basic human features. They possess rudimentary hand-eye coordination, they can think for themselves, and they can even communicate using fragmented sentences in croaky whispers. Of course, the corpses still have an insatiable desire to -- you guessed it -- eat brains, making cooperat...