Oblivion Review

Searching for depth where none exists Full, spoiler-free review by Isaac Handelman Recent films like Inception have proved that huge audiences exist for complex, narrative-driven blockbusters, which has led many studios to incorporate mind-bending stories into their big-budget pics, rather than the usual straightforward, mindless fun that blockbusters promise. These types of films have the potential to impress with intricately woven plots and the mature expectancy of their viewers to be capable of comprehending narrative complexity. Oblivion wants so badly to be held in this regard that it too often loses its way. Tom Cruise takes center stage as Jack Harper, a drone repairman on a radiation-ridden, post-alien-invasion Earth. Though humanity emerged “victorious” from the war, the planet was rendered uninhabitable in the process and the human race was evacuated to a giant floating space-station called the Tet for later transport to a permanent colonization location. As Harp...