The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Review

I'm still betting on you. Full review by Isaac Handelman Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games trilogy appeals to an extraordinarily wide audience, across all ages and both genders. As an indirect result, the film adaptations of The Hunger Games trilogy need worry about only appealing to a very slim audience; those who read the book. The Hunger Games films are not successful for their appeal outside of the literary fanbase. The films are successful because the literary fanbase of The Hunger Games is flat out enormous. The majority of those who pay to watch The Hunger Games: Catching Fire have either read, or are in the company of a person who has read, its source novel. As such, the filmmakers behind Catching Fire hold in their hands both a virtue, and a vice. Their virtue is that they only must worry about appealing to those who are familiar with their source material. Their vice is that the sort of rabid fanbase possessed by The Hunger Games trilogy demands a faithful recreation o...