BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode One Review

Welcome back to Rapture. Game review by Isaac Handelman The first part of BioShock Infinite ’s episodic DLC expansion, Burial at Sea , is immediately familiar, wasting no time in plopping players back into the shoes of Booker DeWitt. This version of the private-investigator protagonist is living in a thriving, pre-fall Rapture, the setting of BioShock and Bioshock 2 . He’s approached by a noir version of Elizabeth, who claims to want to help Booker to find a lost girl named Sally whom Booker has paternal feelings for. Booker sets out alongside Elizabeth to track down the missing child. The initial chunk of Burial at Sea - Episode 1 is comprised almost entirely of looking and listening. Players are granted their first opportunity in the series to explore a living version of Rapture rather than the destroyed remnants of the once-great city that welcomed players in the first two games. In this earlier version of the city, citizens stroll about admiring the view, Big Daddies ten...